Monday, January 30, 2012

Legend, by Marie Lu (2011)

My mother thinks I'm dead.

Daniel Alton Wing, better known as Day, is one of the Republic of America's most-wanted criminals.  JumboTrons publisize his details, but the Republic has no idea what he looks like. 

They don't seem to know much of anything about me, except that I'm young and that when they run my fingerprints they don't find a match in their databases.  That's why they hate me, why I'm not the most dangerous criminal in the country, but the most wanted.  I make them look bad.

The plague has hit the Lake sector.  Day's family lives in the Lake sector.  Only his older brother, John, knows Day is alive.  His younger brother will be 10 years old in a couple of months.  Then he'll have to take the Trial, the test that Day failed.

It's almost always the slum-sector kids who fail.  If you're in this unlucky category, the Republic sends officials to your family's home.  They make your parents sign a contract giving the government full custody over you.  They say that you've been sent away to the Republic's labor camps and that your family will not see you again.

Day knows that this is a lie.

After the soldiers inspect Day's home, they paint a big red X on the door.  Someone in Day's family has the plague.

Fifteen-year old June Iparis is one of the Republic's top soldiers.  June is the only person in the entire Republic with a perfect 1500 score on the Trial.  She was 12-years old, she started her studies at Drake University.  She lives with her older brother, Captain Metias Iparis. 

Suddenly Metias is killed.  The suspect:  Day.  June vows to avenge her brother's death.

I will hunt you down.  I will scour the streets of Los Angeles for you.  Search every street in the Republic if I have to.  I will trick you and deceive you, lie, cheat and steal to find you, tempt you out of your hiding place, and chase you until you have nowhere else to run.  I make you this promise:  your life is mine.

Legend is a fast-paced exciting read!  If you enjoyed books like Hunger Games, Dark Life, Divergent, you'll enjoy this read!

Rating:  7 out of 10 stars
To check this book out at NOLS, click HERE!