Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse, by Steven C. Schlozman, MD (2011)

The enclosed documents are highly classified.  They are exact replicas of the recently recovered handwritten notes of Dr. Stanley Blum, the last scientist sent to the United Nations Sanctuary for the study of ANSD and "zombie" biology.  After careful examination, World Health Organization and United Nations officials have reason to believe that these writings may contain ground-breaking data regarding the nature of the ANSD pathogen.  Furthermore, it is possible that this information represents both a key to a viable cure, as well the most definitive evidence to date that the ANSD virus was artificially manufactured - human-made - and therefore did not occur naturally.  The importance of these potential conclusions cannot be overstated.

One-third of humanity has perished from the plague.  Imagine 2.3 billion people have died.  All attempts at a vaccine or cure have failed.  Experts estimate that civilization can only last another ten years before total destruction.

ANDS, Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome, is present on every major land mass.  Most of the world is under martial law.  The disease is indestructible, untreatable. 

In July 2012 the United Nations set up a study site to study ANSD.  Those who live in the bunkers call it the Crypt.  Three months later the UN received it's last message from the Crypt from Dr. Blanca Gutierrez, resident microbiologist.  Diff...virus.

Dr. Blum's orders were to record the findings of the team.  Members of the team left on separate transports, but only Dr. Blum arrived to the Crypts safely.  Only Dr. Blum's notes survived.

I'm writing this because I need to believe that there is hope.

Food has not been delivered for five days.  Water is scarce. 

Dr. Gutierrez still suspects an additional pathogen.

Something makes them live when they ought to die.  Something makes them eat when they ought to stop.  Something makes them able to tolerate some of the worst infections on Earth and keep going.  If this something is one thing, one pathogen, one protein, one change in the way we understand the zombie sickness, then maybe we could take that one thing away.  Maybe we could treat it, vaccinate against it, get rid of it.  Maybe we could cure it.  Cure us.

The Zombie Autopsies is for the extreme zombie enthusiast.  There are a lot of medical descriptions and illustrations to logically explain zombies.  This book is not for the light-hearted...

Rating:  6 out of 10 stars
* Language

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