Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Love & Leftovers, by Sarah Tregay (2012)

My Family's Summerhouse
My mother
doesn't understand
that this is a summerhouse
(meant to be lived in
only during the summer).

It is almost Labor Day.

Next week,
I'll start my sophomore year
at Oyster River High School
in Durham, New Hampshire

because she doesn't have the courage
to go home
to Boise, Idaho.

Sixteen-year old Marcie Foster thought her family would always be together.  In June her mom realized her marriage to Marcie's father was over, and she took Marcie across the country to New Hampshire, away from her dad, her friends, and her boyfriend.

The worst part of 
this overextended summer vacation
is leaving 


a perfectly good boyfriend
with the deepest
espresso-brown eyes
a girl 
could ever
get lost

As Marcie tries to help her mom through her grief, she is forced to take care of everything.  She is confused and desperately lonely.  She wants to have friends, but even more, she wants to be in love.

My Wish
is to fall
cranium over Converse
in dizzy daydream-worthy

Marcie questions her relationship with her boyfriend in Boise when she meets a new guy in New Hampshire.  She wonders how she'll know when it's really and truly love.  And is love really worth it as she watches her parents' marriage unravel?

Love & Leftovers is a novel-in-verse.  It's a quick read for teens who like books about relationships.  

Rating:  8 out of 10 stars
* mild language, gay & bisexual, sexual inferences

To check this book out at NOLS, click HERE!