Wednesday, August 15, 2012

From What I Remember, by Stacy Kramer & Valerie Thomas (2012)

I am jolted away by sunlight, flooding the room.

Graduation is two days away.  Kylie is the valedictorian, Max is the best-looking guy at school, Will is Kylie's best friend, and Lily is Max's girlfriend.  Kylie and Will do not belong in the luxurious world of Max and Lily.  Their worlds never intersect.

Except when a teacher assigns a group project for seniors on the second to the last day of school.  She also assigns partners.  Kylie is partnered up with Max.  Kylie never skips an assignment, no matter what.  Max has no intention to doing the assignment.

Max does something he never has done before.  He texts Kylie and asks her to meet at a Starbucks before starts.  Kylie is relieved to finally get the final assignment done, but someone steals her backpack.  Her backpack with her laptop.  Her never-ever-backed-up laptop with her original screen play and valedictorian speech.

The chase begins!

Max and Kylie find themselves in Ensenada, Mexico, on a wild adventure.

From What I Remember is an entertaining read for an older audience.  The publishers say for kids 14 and up, but it's really more for 16-years and older.  But once you start this read, it's hard to put it down!

Rating:  8 out of 10
*extreme language, homosexuality, underage drinking, sexual inferences